I’ve read or nearly finished a few books on movies and cultural analysis over the years but this is the book I wish I read first, simply because the author takes the time to describe, define and explain culture through a deeply Biblical lens – acknowledging both the glory (as people made in the image of God and revealing his glory) and darkness of culture (as people trapped in sin and idolatry, suppressing or substituting the truth about God), before getting to the how.

I would say other popular-level books focused on the “how” might do this along the way, but not in so much depth. And while I say it’s deep, the content is still nevertheless very accessible – easy to read prose, based on many familiar Bible texts, logical structure of the discussion.

Having said that, I’m only about halfway through this relatively short book (4.5h on Audible) and still looking forward to the “how”.. I would just about recommend the book on its take on culture alone.

